Saturday, December 31, 2005

ON MRS CHIA'S FINAL REST - 30th December 2005

While proceeding to the burial ground of Mrs Chia, after the funeral rites, it suddenly dawned on me that she had lived till the ripe old age of eighty, meaning a total of approximately 30,000 days on earth. The grave seemed to be the final custodian of those 30,ooo days of her life's experience.

The view from the burial ground is indescribably spectacular. It lies on a terraced slope on a mountain peak, overlooking a huge plain far below where Mengkabong River leads to the Tuaran River, gracefully meanders into Sapapangal Bay, then leisurely entering the Gaya Bay and finally disappears into the South China Sea far beyond the horizon.

The intermittent drizzle coupled with the tears in our eyes occasionally blurred our view, but the light breeze that followed revealed again and again the peace and serenity of her final resting place.

I understand that the whole memorial park is westward facing, therefore a splendid sunset every evening is expected. I am happy for her, at last.
To GOD be the glory.

(With the Chia's family, Thong and Jimmy - 30th December 2005, Nirwana Memorial Park, Telipok, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.)